Exclusive Interview for TVR International

Dr. Marmureanu, a nationally and internationally recognized cardiothoracic surgeon was invited to TVR International, a Romanian TV show entitled "A Doctor for You", where the most brilliant minds of medicine are invited, whether they are practicing in Romania or in other countries.

Romanian by origins, Dr. Marmureanu was invited to speak about his successful career as a thoracic and cardiovascular surgeon.

Being asked to make a comparison between cardiothoracic surgery performed in the top hospitals of the USA and the steps Romanian medicine is taking at this moment, Dr. Marmureanu answered that in his opinion, the Romanian specialists are very good, but there is a need for more equipment and materials in the Romanian hospitals. The final question was about what he misses about Romania. His laconic answer was: "everything and nothing", offering a more detailed answer afterward, affirming: "I miss my Romanian friends and the Romanian language".