Dr. Marmureanu Invited for An Interview With Realitatea TV

Dr. Alexander Marmureanu, the nationally and internationally recognized Los Angeles-based cardiothoracic surgeon, was invited to an interview with Realitatea TV. Dr. Marmureanu started the interview by saying that he is honored to be invited along with the other distinguished guests to Realitatea TV.

He was invited to speak about the COVID-19 pandemic in LA. Being asked about the current situation, he explained that it is a tough situation but not unmanageable. The intensive therapy unit is full, but all patients get treatment and all the necessary care.

Asked about the COVID-19 immunization Dr. Marmureanu answered that in his opinion, it is crucial for doctors and nurses to get vaccinated with both vaccines. He explained that the first vaccine offers only 50-80% immunization, therefore it is important to get the second vaccine, the two vaccines offer 95% immunization.

Dr. Marmureanu shared that he already received his first vaccination, and he will get the second one on the day of the interview. He was one of the first doctors who was vaccinated in the US.